Things have changed drastically since my trip to Indian Creek. Only a short month ago I was unemployed, broke and free of responsibility. Now I'm working back on the mountain and I've been hired as the sports reporter for the Salida newspaper, The Mountain Mail. The position requires a great deal more writing than I've ever done before, but I think I'm picking up the style OK and I'm enjoying the challenge. I also get a good deal of photography published throughout the week. I just need to focus on some freelancing with what free time I've got left.
It feels good to be back in a house in Salida, especially after living without a roof for so many months. The mountain has been receiving a good amount of snow and I've been trying to get into the back country as much as I dare. I picked up some good equipment this season and my folks signed me up for an Avalanche I certification this February. My skiing is improving greatly now that I've got my season pass.
I'm sad to say that Maggie left me. I've been a bit broken up over the situation, but it's hard to be down when I live in such a beautiful place and have a rewarding job. I'll end this post and this year with a short Sunbeam, for those of you that read the Sun.
"The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one’s own."
Willa Cather
Your rock climbing photos looked pro! :) I am happy to hear you are doing well down in Salida! I am still in Missoula, looking for internships for the summer. I have decided if I don't get one I am still just going to pack up my car and hit the road. It's the only way I can get out of here! Well, good to hear from you! Keep in touch and keep happy!
Yo Kev!
Great photos, and awesome to hear about your writing and mountain jobs. Sorry 'bout Maggie, that sucks. Just more reason to keep skiing and climbing, right! Hey, you and others have inspired me, I finally started a blog of my own. Check it out. http://www.philwesseler.blogspot.com. Later, Phil W.
Kev...your pics from Indian Creek are inspiring man. Happy to hear you are doing well and I wish you the best in your new endeavors, both professional and personal. Keep killin it man!
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