Monday, September 28, 2009

My new ten speed

Above- Shots from the Crest Crank on the Monarch Crest Trail and the start of the Vapor 125 Enduro.

After a summer of watching all of the cool kids ride around the block on their cool bikes I finally broke down and bought one of my own.
If there's one thing that people in Salida love to do it's probably boating the Ark, but for the rest of the season they love to ride bicycles.
Most of the folk here have at least two if not five rides. The townie or cruiser is a must, then there's the mountain bikes (one for downhill and a single speed 29er for cross country) and the road bikers have road bikes. People love their bikes so much a town of about 6,000 people supports three bike shops.
I got the bug riding the Crest Crank in early September with my buddy Brian Ward after working a deal to get a free loaner from Absolute.
After a lot of shopping I finally turned up a bike at a garage sale for just over a hundo. Well it might not be the cool ten speed I was holding my breath for, but it will get me around the trials until I find something better.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Colorado summer revisited

So unless Bailey on the South Platte comes in, Gore Canyon of the Upper Colorado
was my last trip of the season. Kate is running Tunnel Falls above and below are
some natural springs she knew about out on the Pumphouse section.

Turf house veterans get down at the annual White Trash Party.

Below is the only evidence that I actually ran some whitewater. This
was Castle Creek through Aspen and it was posted on LVM by
Rob Hurst.Visit the link at the bottom of the post to see Rob's pictures.

Hydrological constellations must align causing mountain tides to draw in river rats. It causes the Arkansas Valley to become the center of the boating universe; if only for a few short months.
As far as the river scene goes I had a great time living here. Between work days I made it onto the Ark a few times and checked out a couple other runs in the process, but as I gain confidence as a boater I realize there's a lot out there to learn. I invested time with RMOC early in the season to get checked out as a guide however with a slow start to the commercial season I only guided a handful of trips by the time the water dropped. That's where Kate and the "Turf" crew come in.
My kayaking was deeply intertwined with a Wednesday phenomenon they call Disco Night and it's proximity to the Numbers Buena Vista. Every Wednesday throughout rafting season the guide population that floods Buena Vista every summer descends on the Lariat Bar. Guides dressed to the nines, or should I say half dressed... sometimes undressed, get unconscionably inebriated then bump and grind to classic hits from the 70's and early 80's until the point of blacking out.
Essentially Kate, an RMOC kayak guide, and I would embark on an after work run on the Numbers; a classic class IV about an hour north of Salida. Getting off the water at dusk we'd head straight to the "Turf House". Kate's friends, mostly AAE guides, were sleeping somewhere between eight and a dozen people in a 3 bedroom house that the owner had installed astro-turf around so the tenants couldn't, as hard as they tried, kill the grass. Upon destroying a handle of cheap whiskey the party would carry over to Disco and depending on the next days work load sometimes we'd go kayaking again the next day. With minor variations this is how I spent my days off through the summer.
My paddling improved a bit, however I didn't get my camera out as much as I would have liked. There are some things that will remain in solely in my memory. Now that many the river rats have migrated to follow the high water I'll be waiting until next spring.

Special thanks to Kate Stepen. You were always down to go boating, no matter how bad those ducky trips were. Rob Hurst- Thanks for snaping a few photos and throwing one of me on LVM. Mean Gene- Thanks for saving my boat. Jacob- Thanks for making me feel better about losing my boat. Thanks to Brie, Mac, Dustin, Charlie, Jenny Sass, ect. ect. ect. for keeping the Turf real.