I've been itching to get and do some climbing. At work I find myself paging through websites looking at aid gear I know I'll never use and can't afford. The living room is strewn with old climbing magazines that I page through listlessly. A hang board mounted itself in an unassuming corner of the duplex that I'm house sitting.
All done and said it's hard to find new partners with no climbing gym and a work schedule that is hostile towards the sport. Well, this is the first work schedule I've had in a while so it's a given that it would cramp my bumming ways.
With the time I do have I've been out scouting a lot of the local areas. Most are a little bit contrived, but some are turning out to be awesome.
Yesterday I met up with John at the half way point between here and Vail at Moniter Rock. Moniter is the largest piece of granite this side of Aspen and the climbing was great. We did the Trooper Traverse. (we initially planned to climb a harder route, but our group grew into three, so ample belay space was a must) Famed as a climb put up by 10th Mtn. Div. the soft grade didn't give way to a slabby climb. It was a vertical five-pitch climb with great cracks and perches to anchor off.
Other areas have been dissappionting though. Buena Vista has some good looking little domes... until you get right up next to them. Alot of the rock is decomposing and I spent the better part of a day tromping around looking at established "towers" that I wouldn't climb even if there were hookers and blow beckoning from the top.
If you read this and want to climb down here throw something on the comments or you probably know me so just call.